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4.16.2014 PATRIOTIC COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes
                          April 16th.2014

A quorum being present, Chairperson Margaret Byrnes called the
regular meeting of the Patriotic Commission to order at 7:15 p.m.    
in the Welling Conference room at the Town Hall followed by the
Pledge of Allegiance.

Present: Paul Barry, Bernard Corona, Chuck Clark, Edward Dettore
Vincent Parys, Susan Tukey, Eugene Pushefski Sr., Margaret Byrnes,
Melodie Wilson.

Excused: Joan Barbara Ross, Patricia Begley.      

Absent:  Greg Sims.

Also present: Robin E. Parys, Clerk,    

Opportunity for Citizens to speak: None.        

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Vincent Parys made a motion to approve the minutes of March 19th. 2014 after correcting an omission
of Commissioner Melodie Wilson from the roll call as present, seconded by Commissioner Bernie Corona.
MOTION: Approved


BILLS:  A receipt was submitted for office supplies by Commissioner
Melodie Wilson. Motion to pay the bill was made by Commissioner Chuck
Clark, and 2nd. by Commissioner Edward Dettore.

Motion: Approved         

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Commission Budget of $11,420 was reduced by the
cost of cemetery flags $5,150, along with the clerks pay, leaving
a sum of approximately $6,185 to cover the cost of the Memorial Day Parade.  
A motion to accept the report was made by Commissioner Clark, and
2nd. by Commissioner Sue Tukey.
Motion: Approved


Chairperson Margaret Byrnes indicated that because of her absence
we did not hold our election of officers as mandated by town ordinance. The issue was tabled until the September 17th meeting.
Commissioner Vincent Parys advised the Commission that we are slowly receiving responses for the Memorial Day Parade, after indicating that he visited approx. 20 business and civic groups to extend a
personal invitation. He was asked by Commissioner Sue Tukey to read
the names of the potential participants.


Commissioner Chuck Clark made a motion to pay the clerk, 2nd by Commissioner Ed Dettore.
Commissioner Vincent Parys received confirmation from the National
Guard indicating that they will be supporting us during our Memorial
Service on Sunday evening May 25th and also on Monday during our
Memorial Day Parade with speakers and a marching unit.
Notices for the placement of the cemetery flags (May 17) will be sent out the week of May 5 and May 12.

Motion:  Approved.

ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Chuck Clark made a motion that was
2nd by Commissioner Paul Barry to adjourn at 7:55 P.M.      
Next Meeting: May 21st. 2014

MOTION: Approved

Respectfully submitted

Robin E. Parys, Clerk

Cc:  Town Clerk (original)
    Office of the Mayor